Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Grace – A Transformation in Progress

You may remember Grace, but you probably won’t recognize her.
Grace was one of our first patients up the gangway in Congo. On September 10th, Mercy Ships surgeons removed the massive tumor from her face. It’s been six weeks since her surgery, but 17-year-old Grace is as sassy as ever – and she’s looking like a whole new young woman.
“God is good because He did a big thing for me. I did not believe that I could be saved, but God has had grace. Mercy Ships arrived in Pointe Noire, they treated me, and I am better today,” Grace says.  
Grace’s journey to the Africa Mercy began with an email. A hospital chaplain from neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo met Grace at a hospital there. The chaplain, Pastor Gregoire, was shocked by Grace’s facial tumor, which weighed 4.9 pounds (2.2 kilos.) Pastor Gregoire came alongside Grace, counseling and praying with her. He says she was often so distraught that she cried all night. Sometimes she refused to eat or drink. “Indeed, she suffered,” he says simply.
Pastor Gregoire took a photo of Grace and published it on his blog. A reader responded to his post, recommending that he visit, an organization that might be able to help. From there, Pastor Gregoire contacted the Mercy Ships Swiss office and exchanged emails with Christophe Baer. Through Christophe, Pastor Gregoire sent Grace’s medical records and reports to the Africa Mercy. The response was positive. Grace and Pastor Gregoire were asked to arrive in Pointe Noire, in the Republic of Congo, on September 2nd.
Grace’s story is a chain of mercy forged by compassionate hearts, and their efforts were rewarded. Grace will have a second surgery on December 17th. Until then, she is recovering in the Mercy Ships Hospital Out Patient Extension Center (HOPE Center), where she has become the champion UNO player. As Mercy Ships nurses will tell you, Grace dominates every hand – and don’t even think about challenging her to Jenga!
In a few months, Grace will return home and begin school. She hopes to study medicine one day, she says. Grace wants to be a nurse.
Written by – David Petersen


Grace Walks with a New Pep in her Step!

An Update on Grace (looking as beautiful as ever):
On Sept. 10th Grace had surgery to remove a 2.2 kilogram tumor from her jaw. Since her surgery, she and her mother, Christine, have been waiting patiently as Grace approaches the final stages of her recovery. They are currently staying at the HOPE Center, Mercy Ships off-site care center for patients after their surgeries. Grace’s favorite part? “I can take walks again,” she says. She’s happy that this time, no one is staring or pointing at her. We can only imagine what that must feel like!