Monday, February 10, 2014

Joyous Return to the ship

   Life has a way of putting some unexpected detours in our path. I spent a wonder filled three months at home in Ohio after the abrupt arrival of Isaac, born at 26 weeks, to my youngest son David and his wife Renae. The ups and downs of a preemie's life have settled into a calmer routine.  He weighed 2 # 8 oz at birth and now weighs over 10 pounds at 5 months. I am now "Koko", as the day crew in Congo call me, which means grandma in Lingala and Kituba.  I am already Grandma Chris to my family and now I am. Koko Chris as well!

The day Isaac was born 09/10 13
Isaac in the NICU
                                                                Isaac on Feb 5, 2013

Those of you interested in more detail about Isaac's first three months can view a video on you tube  titled "Merry Christmas 2013 Isaac David"  or on board the ship in the transfer drive, Public Share, in the folder titled "Baby Isaac. "  His miracle of life is a testimony to the power of prayer.

I missed the ship.  It has become my home (away from home in Ohio). I missed the community of faith on board the ship where living together and praying for each other is a covenant responsibility and a privilege. I missed the daily routine of work in the Admissions tent, of greeting each patient and caregiver and seeing them lose some of their fear and anxiety.  All it takes is a warm smile and friendly touch of the hand as questions are asked and answered.  Some patients with disfiguring growths have not been touched in a very long time. Touch can be healing, a beginning, a change of thought from "I am untouchable" to "I have worth and value".  Such a simple thing that can make all the difference in the world.  Touch. 

As of Feb 1st, 2014  A total of 950 adults and 349 children have had the following surgeries done:
                   570 Eyes
                   146 Plastics
                   78 Orthopedics
                   349 Maxillo Facial
                   284 General surgeries
We are currently in week 28 of 42 in this field service and it has been announced that the ship will return to Guinea in west Africa for the 2014-2015 field service. I will complete my current commitment the end of May but I am already making plans to return to the ship January through May 2015. I can't imagine not spending some time each year on the ship.  To paraphrase John Muir: "Africa is calling and I must go".