Monday, January 7, 2019

Almost here!

Life has a way of coming full circle.  I am returning to the ship in just a few weeks to spend nearly 5 months doing what I love--sharing love and compassion with those less fortunate. Getting ready to leave home this time has been challenging as I prepare to sell my home of 14 years and get it ready to list with a realtor.  I've managed to rid myself of many unnecessary things and I am faced with moving the last of my belongings to my new place, a combination garage/ efficiency apartment that is still under construction. So, what do I really need?  What will give me joy? How much stuff will I have room for in my new, smaller space?  (Thank you, Africa Mercy, for preparing  me to live in small quarters!) I am pleased to learn how to become a minimalist, and I think that I am a work in progress. I am looking forward to being on the ship once again, my second home. The time to leave is almost here!