Thursday, March 28, 2019


I've been in Guinea now for two months, amazing how the time flies by.  It has been so good to be back on the ship and connect with old friends as well as making new friends from all over the world. Together we strive to provide hope and healing to the world's forgotten poor by living the core values of Mercy Ships: Love God, love and serve others, be people of integrity and be people of excellence.

What's Happening

Here is a patient story of Fanta.



Monday, January 7, 2019

Almost here!

Life has a way of coming full circle.  I am returning to the ship in just a few weeks to spend nearly 5 months doing what I love--sharing love and compassion with those less fortunate. Getting ready to leave home this time has been challenging as I prepare to sell my home of 14 years and get it ready to list with a realtor.  I've managed to rid myself of many unnecessary things and I am faced with moving the last of my belongings to my new place, a combination garage/ efficiency apartment that is still under construction. So, what do I really need?  What will give me joy? How much stuff will I have room for in my new, smaller space?  (Thank you, Africa Mercy, for preparing  me to live in small quarters!) I am pleased to learn how to become a minimalist, and I think that I am a work in progress. I am looking forward to being on the ship once again, my second home. The time to leave is almost here!