Sunday, March 17, 2013

Conakry, at last!

We arrived safely in Conakry on Sunday, March 10th. The flight took us over the Sahara Desert and I was amazed to see only sand for miles and miles. We are staying in a dorm; the 6 men on the ground level and the 12 women up a flight of stairs.  We share a common bathroom area. The toilets we flush with buckets that we fill from the shower in the same tiny space; 3 work of 6. We are so blessed to have air conditioning in our sleeping areas. It was quite a change from 22 degrees in Chicago to 90 degrees in Conakry! Our original plan for our short term field service changed, and we have been painting the rooms at a school for deaf children. One of our team members, Catrice, is quite proficient in ASL (American Sign Language) and she signs to a deaf person who then translates into French.  Who would have ever thought we would have a deaf translater? God is so good! We are painting murals on the back walls of the classrooms. One room is finished and it is of the solar system. We are nearly done with a map of Africa in another room and of an underwater seascape, including a whale, shark, shells, stingray, jellyfish, coral, etc. that will be in the kindergarten room. The children have been out of school this week while we complete the painting. Some of us will continue to paint there next week in order to finish murals in a few more rooms. We are in the shade in the classrooms so it has been easier to adjust to the heat. Sometimes there is even a breeze.
   Today Sunday, March 17th we went to  "The :Love of God"' an English speaking church with a French translator.  There was singing and dancing for an hour and during one of the dancing songs I was blessed to hold a baby who slept in my arms the entire dance! Then the minister spoke for an hour. Quite a celebration!
Life is good.

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